Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Motherfucking Groundhog Day

Rise and shine campers.

Yes, that's right, it's that one magical day of the year where we look towards a rodent to predict the seasons for the next six weeks.

This probably holds little to no sway in the southern two-thirds of the country or out on the West Coast where you fuckers don't have seasons. But in the Northeast where we're sucked into the deep dark black abyss of the mid-winter blahs, having a stupid rodent confirm our worst fears is something of a fucking tradition. Seriously how desperate for commercialization are we that we dedicated a day to a fucking tiny animal that we don't even get to eat?

So anyway he saw his damn shadow.

Watch the Bill Murray movie and fucking chill out, 'cause we have fucking Super Bowl XLII and Super Fucking Tuesday right around the corner.

Also I fucking hate Carlos Tevez.

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