Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reason #631 that I'm not a PC Anus

It’s time to approach one of those taboo(tm) subjects that makes everyone uncomfortable but at which I fucking excel, mostly because I don’t really give a fuck if it makes you uncomfortable or not. You might call me the suppository in the human pop(poop?) culture of suffering that is the 21st century. But you won’t or I’ll fucking beat you with a pipe wrench until your brains ooze out your ears. Yeah that's right I just went OJ all over your ass motherfucker.

African-American (heretofore referred to as Black) cinema started out innocently enough. Mostly these works of “art” centered in the disgust of the human drama (See Roots, The Color Purple, Glory, Boyz in the Hood, Colors, etc) or the odd-couple style buddy comedy (Lethal Weapon, In the Heat of the Night, White Men Can’t Jump, Metro, etc).

One film however changed Black cinema forever. That movie was Friday.

I must admit at the time, it seemed innovative, amusing, and lots of fun. But no one could have known the horror and garbage that would emerge from writer’s brains after the marginal success of this film and it’s three sequels.

No one watches these modern black-brown piles of excrement do they? Think about it these "films" are some of the worst examples of modern film making in the last decade if not more. Right? These movies are atrocious and yet they just keep coming.

Outside of shit involving fucking Larry the Cable Guy, Pauly Shore or this motherfucker what the fuck is worse than this new fucking brand of human fucking screen waste?

I would rather take a razor blade to my own iris' than even attempt to plow through own of the shitbanks (like a snowbank with shit? get it?) This has to be in the top 5 reasons as to why California should fall off into the ocean and meltdown leaving nothing but a huge cliff and TMZ shouting about the loss of Britney.

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