Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fucking Alien Bigfeet

If you're not one of those pathetic blind fucks (learn to fucking see you retards. I'm sick of those annoying pimples covering my ATMs and public telephones) then you've seen the legendary Patterson-Gimlin film at some point in your ridiculously unimportant existence.

Unfortunately Patterson (The usual dumb hillbilly hunter sort. "Well hell Jeb, there's a mythical creature let's fucking shoot it.") is easily the worst fucking cameraman since Abraham Zapruder (so the guy got blasted in the head steady your epileptic fits for two fucking seconds buddy) or those moronic fucks in Cloverfield (Why did the bitch explode exactly and why didn't we get to see it? Oh that's right it was a PG-13 pile of shit). So some smart son of a bitch stabilized the film frame by frame here.

Well our old wallet sucking buddies at NASA now have their own problematic Bigfoot sighting [This is a high-res image on government fuck-the-FOI servers so it will take time to load. The little fella is on the left hand side about a third of the way up coming from behind a rock]. And of course for you impatient fuckrags who don't want to play Where's Waldo? here's a zoom story.

The problem being the motherfucker somehow got to Mars. Yeah you heard me. Bigfoot on fucking Mars. This may well be the best basis for a bad black & white B-movie in over forty years.

Anyway the brother looks good.

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