Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's Fucking People!

In one of those fucking bizarro moments life has imitated the X-Files this week.

This and this are a little too close for comfort. I seriously doubt they investigated the cannabalism angle is all I'm saying.

What else is up today?

Capello got lucky and their kit is fucking hideous, Greece retained the UFWC, the Bahrain circuit is the best looking one in the world, and we're all fucked big time. Also global warming is a crock of shit.

Strange Wilderness disappointed me big time because of how good it looked and the cast it had in place. It was bad and I'd place it below Cloverfield on my list of 2008 films.

I'm tired, cranky and have had just about enough of 2008 and it's only fucking February. Sheeeeet.

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